I am Hayley Ann Austin, an English jewellery artist and multidisciplinary designer, residing on my narrowboat that serves as both my home and creative sanctuary. The essence of my inspiration is deeply intertwined with the meandering journeys I embark upon as I navigate the intricate waterways of the United Kingdom.

My creative journey began with a solid foundation in Design, where I honed my skills across various mediums such as metals, ceramics, textiles, and wood. Following the completion of my Design degree, I embarked on an immersive year-long course in India, an experience that laid the groundwork for my distinctive approach to making and designing.

The unique character of my designs emerges from a fusion of austere forms and organic aesthetics, a testament to my creative drive to establish a profound connection with our primal sense of ritual and occasion. Specialising in crafting unique and original pieces, my creations are tailored for everyday use or commissioned for those momentous occasions that warrant a touch of magick.

What sets my work apart is its ability to resonate not only with the wearer but also with the surrounding environment. Each piece exudes a rare anima, a lively spirit rarely found in conventional jewellery designs. My natural energy and sense of fun permeate through every creation, turning each piece into a celebration of individuality and self-expression.

The craftsmanship of my designs is a testament to my dedication to the art. Every piece is meticulously handcrafted, and intentional rough, organic, and uneven finishes are integral to the design. Far from being perceived as flaws, these elements are deliberate choices that add character and uniqueness to each creation.

As I navigate the rivers and canals of the UK on my live/work narrowboat, my designs take shape amidst the serene backdrop of the waterways. The ever-changing landscapes, the rhythmic flow of the currents, and the stories woven into the fabric of the canals influence and inspire every piece that comes to life in my floating studio. This unique blend of craftsmanship, natural inspiration, and a touch of nomadic spirit defines my artistic identity, creating jewellery that transcends traditional expectations and becomes a wearable manifestation of my creative journey.

Inspired by Mother Earth 𖦹༝ ˚ ༄⋆。 ˚

Each of my pieces has a history and a story — from myself as the artisan to the life of the wearer. I design each piece with the intention that it can be passed down through generations, emphasizing minimal waste and a low carbon footprint. All my jewelry is crafted using traditional methods, entirely by hand. I oversee every step of the process, from its inception to the final creation.